Listen to the beginning strumming in "Seaweed". Come on listen to it, I dare you to listen to that picking that begins a perfect track and to not enjoy the rest of that material. Fruit Bats really amazed me with this CD, it's something I really wasn't expecting, but they have this sound...this sound that feels like their recording in a cabin during a winter snowstorm, and it seems that the band was so happy to be trapped there and so comfortable together, because the sound they create is just spirtual. When you listen to the other tracks the consistency of the album is plain old scary. I love the genre, the folkish feel it presents. They even throw in some happening beats once in a while, my kind of sexy.
mp3: Fruit Bats- Seaweed (p.s. favorite lyric: "if I broke my jaw for you, I'd find a bloody tooth and rip it out...")
mp3: Fruit Bats- When U Love Somebody
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I wish I loved the Beatles as much as I should, I'm sure I would, they are really spreading througout me, but not so big as of now, but still pretty big, big enough for me to understand how great of an album this is. Not only are the tracks on this album amazing, but they are still hip and fab today. This is the first album on my list for the Beatles because I don't know why, truth be told this listing is not very arbitrary, these are my favorite albums, and some stuff is where it should be, but some isn't, and should be higher, but I simply just put them there because I can't discern between some albums. So just keep that in mind. This album is revolutionary to say the least. Pitch perfect, I mean, it's the friggin Beatles. "Eleanor Rigby" is an obvious favorite, but "Taxman" will sneak up on ya.
mp3: The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby
mp3: The Beatles- Taxman
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"A three headed dog! A three headed dog! Oh my God! A Three Headed Dog!". Yes, I too had no idea what the f**k was going on when I first heard Harry and the Potters, but hey, they're wizards. I mean come on, this is just such a good idea, making a concept band? I mean concept albums...lame, and so five minutes ago. This is the first Harry and the Potters album I'll feature on my favs, but not the last. On their debut they are a littttttle sloppy, but still, the talent and creativity can't be missed. I just love this idea so much, and this isn't even their best album! But it still made it to 78! The album though, yes the album is...I can't describe it: fun, catchy, silly, messy, rocking, kickass, full frontal nudity. Stay bad ass Harry, stay bad ass...
mp3: Harry and the Potters- Wizards Chess
mp3: Harry and the Potters- The Fourth Twiwizard Champion
mp3: Harry and the Potters- Ginny Weasley
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In the beginning minute of "Stars and Sons", I believe the listener witnesses the pinnacle of indie rock. This album, this whole album just nails that point home, the point that BSS is one of the best indie rock bands making music out there, and that their perfection of messy music calls for immediate attention. All the band mates in this CD are noticeable, contributing bits to create masterpieces that make one large masterpiece that is You Forgot it in People. So much build up, so many melodies that will leave you hooked for days, and about every track on this thing has the high potential of being never forgotten.
mp3: Broken Social Scene- Stars and Sons
mp3: Broken Social Scene- KC Accidental
mp3: Broken Social Scene- Cause=Time (p.s. drums = drop dead gorgeous)
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The first song I heard off this album was "Love Love Love" and it was a good thing I heard it, Darnielle's voice echoes through the open space of a determined and sure love. I can't say that's what the whole album is, I mean one song is about climbing into a car where a lion sleeps in the front seat and trying to grab hold of his tooth and hold on like your a rodeo cowboy holding onto a bull. But that's what's great about The Sunset Tree, every track just explodes with individuality and creativity. I wish I could post this whole album because I cannot even choose the tracks that I want you all to hear. So that's why you should buy it!!
mp3: The Mountain Goats- Love Love Love
mp3: The Mountain Goats- Dance Music
mp3: The Mountain Goats- Lion's Teeth
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Another SXSW Showcasing artist find. "Shadow" was the tune I believe. I instantly saw the blueprint of what this song made me feel. Driving up to the cabin in Michigan at dusk on a calm summer setting, the air just beginning to get crisp and cold. Listening to Influence of Geography after that showed high potential consistency with a different sound for each track and I was like..."Damn this song is good. This album is better than good." I like to think of this album with chizzled features if it was a model, because everything seems to be so well crafted and meant, no accidental genius here, it's all backed by harmonic melodies and doing whatever the hell they want.
mp3: The Southland- Shadows (p.s. ** this is a SITF's highly reccomended track **)
mp3: The Southland- Creatures
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First things first, Hot Fuss is just such a cool name for an album, from just such a cool band. The Killers hopped onto the scene with this one, and almost any one of these tracks could've had the fame of "Mr. Brightside," or "All The Things That I've Done.". And that's saying something considering the iTunes stats for those two puppies. This album is the definition of pretty (ricky) indie rock. Flowers provides the masculent and laid back cool voice while catchy chords jump out to the listener who just wants to dance along and bobb his head along to what he wishes was the soundtrack to his life. We all wish that though. Don't we?
mp3: The Killers- On Top
mp3: The Killers- Change Your Mind
mp3: The Killers- Believe Me Natalie
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You can't use a 5 as an s in it's while singing it "It is 5", but AIH does, and you don't question that. These guys are a great band from Australia who create an album of many many instruments and lots of repeat button pressing. Cameron Bird puts together a disc that pretty much has anything the listener desires, and his voice shadows the endless amount of sounds like a ghosts, but in a friendly way, like a friendly ghost.
mp3: Architecture in Helsinki- Nevereverdid
mp3: Architecture in Helsinki- Wishbone
mp3: Architecture in Helsinki- The Cemetary(p.s **SITF's fav of the album**)
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SSLYBY has to be the coolest acronym I have ever seen. And this album is pretty good too. More than pretty good, a near flawless debut for a young band that's filled with ambition and bundles of talent. These guys are becoming one of my favorite groups out there... I mean they already got the unique and unforgettable band name down and they got drums that make me shake my money maker and that lo-fi garageband sound for a voice of Philip Dickey that is capable of any good sound and flowing piano medolies that bring the songs to life... so they have a pretty good start.
mp3: Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin- House Fire
mp3: Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin- Gwyneth
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This was another keepsake from a trip. It was one going up north to the cabin in Michigan. Now I have a lot of drives up to Michigan, and a lot of albums are replayed throughout this traditional journey, but for some reason, Bleed American stuck out. It turned out that it was not some mysterious reason for why I always remembered this trip's album, it turns out that the answer for why these sounds stuck out is completely evident through out the music of this album. Each song is powerful and filled with effort. Also, each track has its own vibe, and this vibe sticks with you, until your done with listening to the album (which won't happen after 1 listen to each song), because then you get the vibe of the album.
mp3: Jimmy Eat World- Sweetness
mp3: Jimmy Eat World- Hear You Me
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When I first heard about this album, this group, I was looking at them negatively, plainly because many people were saying this was the album of the 2005, and not Sufjan's Illinois. But my attitude was changed completely when I turned up the volume on "For Real". Not just that track, but the whole album blew me away. Sheff's lyrics are the best being written today, and his trailing voice with the chords that make Okkervil River just fits in a way I can't describe. And when heavy rock is mixed in with all these components, the result is something that you have to stop and listen to.
mp3: Okkervil River- No Key No Plan
mp3: Okkervil River- For Real
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Clipse man, they throw it down. Just by the book great hip hop/rap. The phenomenal beats that come along with having N.E.R.D. by your side just floor you while your caught up in a truly excellent rap album. But as for Clipse, they can't do wrong. I was into their early stuff a lot, but not top 100 style...Then Hell Hath came out and I couldn't keep myself away from my headphones, I even was able to memorize some of the lyrics and try to whine along with Malice and Pusha-T's flawless flow. You can't hate these guys, you can't even dislike them.
mp3: Clipse- Ride Around Shinin'
mp3: Clipse- Wamp Wamp (What It Do?) feat. Slim Thug
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That's right, another example of how SXSW Showcasing Artist samples can rule your world. The vocals from Jay Gulley alone hooked me, but the music hooked me for life, and yes I can already tell at this tender age that it has. Generous Men is an unbelievable alternative project. They've got a sound all their own, calm and structured alternative with soothing noises that put you in a place you dream to be. For me, "Pasadena" just paves the way for a created setting of driving out to California in the dry hot summer, windows all the way down, that song blasting, and looking towards the future while admitting the you have to forget the past sometimes. This whole album trains your imagination, and is an excellent accomplishment for music.
mp3: Modern Skirts- City Lights
mp3: Modern Skirts- Pasadena (p.s. ** SITF's fav of the album **)
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Hey, maybe you've been brainwashed too? These guys made a more than quality album here and they're hot single had to be sucked into the MTV chain and endlessly raped with air-time until people thought that it was all NR had to offer. I listened to this CD while going down to Miami/Orlando, and you know when you listen to an album for a trip it's tattooed in yr mind along with vague images from the trip? Well that's what happened with me and this album, and I have loved it ever since, don't be fooled by the word on the street about these guys (which hasn't been since like 2000), just give them a listen and see for yourself.
mp3: New Radicals- You Get What You Give
mp3: New Radicals- I Don't Wanna Die Anymore
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I remember this was the first indie band that I heard hype from in a major music source (Rolling Stone, MTV, the works). It was predicted that this album would make Wolf Parade one of the hot artists of 2006. And although the hype didn't really follow through, making Wolf Parade a popular group among MTV kids, this album certainly deserved the talk. Apologies is almost like a greatest hits album because of how good each song is, and it's a sound unlike any other, which kinda makes you think that these guys have been around for ages, but they haven't, they simply got together and made a group (and made many other groups in a short period of time later, Swan Lake, Sunset Rubdown) and made a classic and quality indie rock album. I'll find something personal to put here.
mp3: Wolf Parade- Shine a Light
mp3: Wolf Parade- I'll Believe In Anything (p.s. kickass video you should check out here, beautiful direction by Matt Moroz, you can notice the greenish hues and the storyline is brilliant, best music video I've seen in a while)
mp3: Wolf Parade- Grounds for Divorce
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What's Jens Lekman's obessision with the 1985 indie flick Mask? What's Jens Lekman's deep voice doing in the same circle of those beautiful light melodies? Why are you so silent Jens? All are questions that need answers, but who cares, there's only one important Q + A: Why listen to this disc?- Because this is a damn addictive album. Each song flows beautifully with delicate arrangements and the deep bellow of Lekman's voice accompanies. Each song is different and fun and unforgettable, and every song is excellent...every song.
mp3: Jens Lekman- Maple Leaves
mp3: Jens Lekman- I Saw Her In the Anti-War Demonstration
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Mmhmm, that's right, it's up at 64, and for good reasons, this record makes. me. want. to. dance. It's plain and simple, JT mixes pop with dance with funk with hip-hop and produces a product so imaginative for such a major debut. This creative project features tracks all over the place that could be number one hits, and I mean come on, a number one hit is number one for a reason, even if it gets overplayed and it doesn't sound appealing after all the spins it takes. Basically what I'm trying to put out is that this here is a pop gem, and is filled with songs that you WON'T hate.
mp3: Justin Timberlake- My Love feat. T.I.
mp3: Justin Timberlake- Summer Love/Set the Mood Prelude
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I guess the Sordid Sentinels Edition? It's basically the same thing with more, but this is focused on the album Wowee Zowee, because it is a work of art from a wonderful (can't do wrong in my book) band. First off look at the cover art, just look at it...awesome. Second off the music! My god the music! Malkmus has so much energy and he conveys this so much in Zowee, belting out gibberish in the middle of "AT & T" may be one of my favorite moments in Pavement history. The fact of the matter, is that this is Pavement, kicking ass once again, but for me the songs just are more to my liking. It's hard to put Pavement albums in order because they're all great, but in the end it comes down to individual opinons.
mp3: Pavement- Rattled by the Rush
mp3: Pavement- At & T
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This is a very personal album to me (although they all are, I don't know why I'm singleing this one out. Maybe because of my nostalgia for my early early youth at this point in my life), and it is because of every songs relation to me. Every one of these songs on Ocean Avenue effected me in my middle school age, and that carried through. Every song makes me need to hear it, and makes me sing along to every line about a lost relationship or a flourishing relationship. It may be somewhat trite, but I tend to think that there is something more to the girl on the cover, you can barely make out the shape of her face and the look of her features, but she's still hidden from the viewer, not everything can be made out.
mp3: Yellowcard- 1 Year 6 Months Ago
mp3: Yellowcard- Only One
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French electric craziness is the calling for M83 (a.k.a. Anthony Gonzalez), because they hit the nail on the head with this one. The sounds of this album echo through your mind to make you think of something greater (kind of like the galaxy this band is named after, or what's beyond it), even make you anticipate your future a little bit. Basically the sound this band makes is life-altering, there, I said it, and I stand by it. And in Before the Dawn Heals Us, they master this trick of hypnotizing their listeners into a state of existentialism. Oh yeah, and the songs are pretty catchy too.
mp3: M83- I Guess I'm Floating (p.s. Hey! wait a minute!)
mp3: M83- Teen Angst
Buy here.
Okay, 2/5 of these fun fun fun and long long long posts are done! So now I shall get my rest and begin 3/5, and remember, they just keep getting better..."And we'll slide down the surface of things,"...Always with love...BK
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